Jefferson County Overdose Data

On this page, we break down the local numbers to better understand the community’s substance use challenges.

By exploring these statistics, we aim to spark discussions and drive targeted interventions to address these issues.

With the public and community partners, together, we strive to work collaboratively towards a healthier and safer Jefferson County.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does this data come from? How is it collected?

  • Data provided in the charts below is provided by several partners, including the Medical Examiner’s Office, MO DHSS Essence system, and Jefferson County 911 Dispatch system.

  • JCHD does not collect any of this data first-hand. Deidentified data is gathered by the partners listed above and then shared with the health department for display.

Why do the numbers in this data not match those in other agency dashboards?

  • Differences from other agencies' dashboards may arise due to varying data collection methods and timing.

  • As this information is continually updated, the 2023 data offered may not provide a complete representation, as data collection for this year is still in progress.

Why is this data important? What is it being used for?

  • Real-time information allows quick responses to emerging issues, working towards reducing overdoses and promoting healthier lifestyles.

  • By analyzing trends, we can identify high-risk groups and factors contributing to substance use. This data guides the development of targeted prevention and harm reduction strategies and helps allocate resources effectively.

  • Community organizations can use the data to inform their decisions about programs, services, grant funding, etc.

How do I use these charts?

Each data chart is interactive, and the information changes based on the selections made. For example, if you click on the dot indicating 133 ‘Drug Related Deaths’ in 2021, the remainder of the graphs will only display the data about that year. This is helpful if individuals are wanting more specific data.

To reset all charts to the original information, click the gray arrow in the top left corner.

Drug Related Deaths in Jefferson County


Suspected Overdoses in Jefferson County