Jefferson County Week 14 COVID Update

ORANGE Status | 7-day rolling average cases per day per 100,000 residents: 18.67 | Positivity Rate: 8.74%

Copy of Weekly Guidance Color Graphic (8).png

CDC Week 14 Epidemiological Analysis: (from JCHD Epidemiologist, Sara Wilton)

The weekly case count during Week 14 was similar to the number we experienced in Week 13. Our percent positivity increased only slightly. Because this past week was our first “bigger” holiday in a while, it will be interesting to see what happens with the weekly case counts the next couple weeks since we always experienced increases after holidays during 2020. I anticipate a little increase but hopeful it will not be as drastic as the increases we saw last year due to the percentage of residents who have now been vaccinated. We now have 21% of residents who have completed their first dose of the vaccine, and 12.64% who are fully vaccinated.

As far as vaccines go, we know there is a good portion of the population who is vaccine hesitant, and that reaching herd immunity may very well be in the hands of these folks. Though there is a pause on the use of the J&J vaccine, it is important to reiterate that the priority always has and will be safety and efficacy of these vaccines. This isn’t a reason for folks to be afraid or mistrustful, but rather a reason to increase trust even more. It proves that our system in recognizing and investigating possible vaccine reactions is effective. Six cases of blood clots out of 6.8 million J&J doses that have been administered so far is a 0.000088% risk. The risk of blood clots from actual COVID-19 infection is estimated to be in the range of 20-30%, so much higher.

A bit of good news to include is that there were zero cases reported in our long-term care facilities during Week 14. Once again, the highest percent increase in cases over the course of the last 7 days came from our younger age groups; the highest being the 10–19-year age group and the 20–29-year age group followed right behind.

CDC Week 14 Case Updates: (as of 4/14/2021)

  • Total Cases: 22,727, Active Cases: 377

  • Total Deaths: 236

    • Three additional COVID-19 deaths reported this week: female-60’s, female-80’s, and male-60’s

    • One LTCF associated death, two community based deaths

CDC Week 14 Epi Reports:

CDC Week 14 Vaccine Report:

Vaccine Updates:

  • JCHD has provided 14,994 doses total

    • 10,605 first doses (Moderna and Janssen)

    • 4,389 second doses (Moderna)

  • JCHD COVID Vaccine Clinic registration is now open to any eligible Missourian

  • 28,438, or 12.64%, of Jeffco residents have been fully vaccinated

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