Two Trustees Sworn into Jefferson County Health Department Board

Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) is pleased to announce the swearing-in of two esteemed individuals to its Board of Trustees. Amber Henry, the incumbent trustee, and Valerie Brown Taylor, a newcomer to the board, were sworn in during a morning ceremony at the Hillsboro health department office.

Amber Henry, an incumbent trustee, continues her commitment to the community by serving another four-year term on the board. Her background in public health advocacy and dedication to the well-being of Jefferson County residents make her an invaluable asset to the board.

A new board member, Valerie Brown Taylor, begins her first four-year term. With a career in health administration and management and current community engagement as a substitute teacher, Brown Taylor brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

Their combined expertise and dedication to public service are poised to positively impact the health and well-being of Jefferson County residents.

As trustees, Amber Henry and Valerie Brown Taylor will work closely with fellow board members and JCHD leadership to oversee the department's operations, policies, and initiatives to promote and protect the health of Jefferson County residents.